Exposing a person's past to their future spouse

Q: I have a cousin who is supposed to get married to a boy who is pious, haaji and just the opposite of my cousin sister. She is not so pious and had a dark past. She committed zina with another guy, tried committing suicide, and now she is about to get married to this boy who knows nothing about the girls past except that she had someone in her life before. Should the marriage take place without hiding such things about the girl? And if I inform the boys family regarding this will I be committing a sin?

Missing out the fasts of Ramadhaan due to playing soccer professionally

Q: My son plays soccer for South Africa PSL soccer.This is his profession and he earns his rozi from this. He lives on his own, as I reside in Asia and he is responsible for all his living expenses. Every year he fasts during Ramadaan even though he is training daily and also playing matches with his team. This sets him back physically from his peers at least two months. This year, Ramadaan falls in the pre-season period, during which his team will be doing intensive training and drills, it is a crucial period for him as the coach chooses players for the next season which commences early august immediately after pre-season. He is 20 years old and this is not considered young in the world of sport, he does not have time or room for slacking behind the other players anymore. He has been playing since the age of 14 and age will soon be against him. Is there an Islamic ruling/law/fatwa that can excuse him from Ramadaan fasting this year seeing that his career depends on his performance during June and July this year? Maybe some kind of penalty he can pay?

Being unable to give fidyah for not fasting due to illness


  1. A person who cannot fast in ramadhan due to a sickness, also cannot give fidyah as he is out of a job, what must he do?
  2. What is the fidya?
  3. Does it have to be given only to Muslims?
  4. If he cannot find as many Muslims can he give to kuffar as well?
  5. Can the fidya be given in the form of a meal?
  6. Can the person giving the fidya partake of the meals as well?