Q: I want to know the concept of kaneez/loundi in Islam. Is this rule still applicable like the previous age? Or that was for the present time? If this practice has been stopped then how? What does the Qur'an say about it?
Q: I want to know the concept of kaneez/loundi in Islam. Is this rule still applicable like the previous age? Or that was for the present time? If this practice has been stopped then how? What does the Qur'an say about it?
Q: What is the correct way of greeting? Assalamu alaikum or Salam alaikum or Assalam alaikum?
Q: Where do we have to spend bank interest money? Many are suggesting to give to a poor person. Kindly reply in accordance with Hanfi maslak.
Q: If someone started bleeding at zuhr time and had not prayed zuhr until 10 to 15 mins before asr and then they prayed zuhr. Then at start of asr they are still bleeding so they make wudu and pray asr. Now if they stop bleeding at asr time, will they have to repeat their zuhr or not? I heard there is a difference of opinion.
Q: What is the wazifa to remove fear, stress, being scared, afraid, soft and weak heart? Because I want to become fearless, brave and strong. Please help me.
Q: Is it permissible to wash off quran recited oil in the bathroom from the body?
Q: Please tell me a dua to cure my thyroid disease because of this I am getting periods late. Please tell me a dua to cure this disease.
Q: Please tell me what is the kaffarah if some one failed to fullfil his mannat?
Q: Need to know if husband says in arguement ek Talaaq jou ek Talaaq ek Talaaq jou. I did not do iddat, as I didn't understand. This happened ten ago. Please advise if I am Divorced and living in Haraam?