Security Cameras

Q: Is it permmissible just for security reasons to have a security camera screen in or outside of the musjid showing live people (the faces and the eyes of the people can not be seen so clearly on the screen) coming and going?

Giving zakaat to one's brother in-law

Q: My husband has a younger brother who is little weak. My husband made a three story building from which one portion is given to him and my husband also provided a grocery shop to him where he is working. He got married 3 years ago and has a son of 2 years. His wife was also given gold during her marriage as a gift for around 120 grams. But my brother in law's source of income is very low. He can not fulfil his basic needs. My question is are they eligible for zakaat money because every year we give zakaat money around 2 lakhs so I think it's better to give to our close relatives because he earns around two to three thousand a month in a grocery shop?

Doing experiments on food items

Q: Is it permissible to carry out experiments which involve food or food ingredients being used up, wasted, for educational purposes? Such experiments are sometimes done in schools. For example, leaving a tooth in a glass of fizzy drink (which will make the fizzy drink go to waste) or mixing sugar and sulphuric acid to produce a reaction (which makes the sugar go to waste).

Committing zina

Q: I had a girlfriend who lured me in to physical relationship. I kissed and saw her breasts but never saw her private part or had intercourse with her. She saw my private parts and masturbated me. This happened five times and then I realised the great sin we committed. We  decided to get married but her family refused with threats. I cut off all contacts with her. I cried a lot, repented a lot in Ramadhaan during the nights and went for Umrah especially to repent deeply and prayed for a pious virgin woman. I got married to a 20 year old girl on 27th Ramadhaan 2013. 

Before marriage I got some info about her physical relationship with a boy and asked her directly by swearing on Qur'an and her father. She refused the allegations and said that they were just class fellows and there was nothing serious. After Nikaah I observed that she was not a virgin and hence I was in constant doubt that may be the information before marriage was true. After 3 months of marriage I logged in her facebook profile for the first time to make some settings for her and found her old messages in 2012 to her sister expressing sever remorse, shame for committing zina with the boy who promised to marry but left her. She wanted to die but her sister suggested to get married.

  1. My question is that I never committed zina and repented a lot from my sins of physical contacts then why Allah has given me a zani wife? Did Allah punish me for my wrong physical acts although I was not a zani?
  2. If my wife spoke a lie by swearing upon the Quran and her Father about her physical relationships then shall I leave her? How can I trust her in future?
  3. She claims that she repented a lot and wanted to set things right in her life by getting married and loves me a lot as I am her husband. Then why did Allah unveil her sins to me just after 3 months of marriage, when I had no such intention of spying or wanting to know her past? Is this an indication of something bad in future and hence to leave her now?
  4. I am unable to forget her past and doubt her every move. What should I do? Should I stay with her or leave her?

Government provided medical aid

Q: I understand that we are not supposed to have medical aid however in the United States, the people who have low income, the government provides for them medical benefits, that is if a united state citizen who has no job or has a low income if he applies for medical aid then the Government will take it upon themselves to see to his physical and medicinal needs. So will it be permissible for a Muslim to apply for this type of medical aid?

Stolen wealth

Q: If a person stole money from a person then another person stole from the original thief, Islamically does the thief get compensated in the next life?