When does sehri time end?
Q: What is the shar'ee ruling regarding the last time one is allowed to eat sehri? Are you supposed to stop as soon as the time finishes or can you finish the food you were eating during or after the Azaan?
Q: What is the shar'ee ruling regarding the last time one is allowed to eat sehri? Are you supposed to stop as soon as the time finishes or can you finish the food you were eating during or after the Azaan?
Q: I had a night fall but I am not sure about it. It's fajar time and it's very cold. Can I offer salaah without obligatory bath?
Q: What is the most appropriate manner when two muslims greet? Should one say salaam with shaking hands or take in the arms of the other chest to chest?
Q: I forgot a lot in namaz. When doing sajdah sahu I even forget I have offered the salam and so I used to repeat my sajdah sahu. But now I offer salam to both sides and then do the sajda sahu knowingly. Is my namaaz valid?
Q: A woman whose husband leaves her for 1 year 8 months with no contact and applies for a legal divorce and signs documents for separation and the magistrate dissolves their marriage in the family court. Now its 4 months from the divorce date. Can the woman make nikah again?
Q: There is a girl whom my cousin was previously in love with. The whole family knew and since he was still studying, the family wanted to marry them once my cousin's studies were over. After a year, for some family reasons, my cousin left the girl. I know that girl and I want to marry her and she too wants the same. When my parents and the girl's parent came to know about this, they are telling us that this is not possible, my cousin won't like it, what other people will say, what elders will say etc. In my point of view, its more society and culture thinking. I wanted to know what Islam says about this? What is the view?
Q: Is it permissible to give away jeans to one's non-muslim female worker?
Q: When should the masbooq (latecomer) stand up to complete his missed rakaats? Should he stand up after the Imaam has made one salaam or should he wait until the Imaam has completed both salaams?
Q: My husband gave me a talaaq a few years ago. He sent me to live in Pakistan and gave me a conditional talaaq notice of 2 remaining talaaqs via email that if I come back to UK to him they will become valid. Is there any way I can go back to UK but still the talaaqs will not be valid or if they become valid if I go back to UK without his permission, do I need to do something about it while I stay back in Pakistan? Please help in the light of your knowledge.
Q: I wanted to find out about naming my son Mua'adh after Mua'adh ibn Jabal (Radiyallahu Anhu). I was told that it is pronounced as Mua'ath. Kindly advise.