Salaah with Jamaat

Q: Does the narration of Hazrat Ali Radhiyallahu Anhu regarding the neighbour of the masjid "his salaah will not be proper unless performed in the masjid" also apply to the neighbour of a musalla (jama'at khana)? If he hears the azaan of the Musalla, will it also be waajib to attend that jama'at?

Going for Jamaat

Q: I am very much intersted in jamat and dawah work but recently i have heard scholars like Zakir Naik and few more saying that it is not in the seerah of Rasool of Allah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) nether in any hadith or Quran to go for jamat from city to city or counrty to counrty or for the weekly dawah (gusht) to the house of people to invite towards islam and nowhere is it written to go for 3 days or 40 days or 4 months in jamat. They also said that in the books like fazail-e-amal there are many zaeef (unauthentic) hadith so we must read only authentic hadith like sahih muslim and bukhari. Is it true? So I wanted to know is the work of jamat just a mere invention in islam or it is sunnah and recommended. Please give me hadith which supports your answer.


Q: Yesterday I dreamt that there was a strange women in front of me with a scary face, she was looking at me, her face was changing from scary to worse, i.e. was horrible, I was reading ayatulkursi loud in my dream and was looking at the women, I continued reading ayatul kursi while looking at her, she could not harm me as I was reading continuously. I always dream of the same dream but I read sometimes ayatulkursi, or surah iklass. I just want to know if this is a good dream, what does this mean?

Taking one's work break in Salaah time

Q: I would like to know if there is any labour law that states that an employee is allowed to take his or her breaks at work when it is Salaah times eg. @1pm for Zuhr then Asr, Maghrib & Esha & for the month of Ramadaan do we as muslims have the right to not work compulsory late shifts in this month in order for us to be able to perform our Tarawih Salaah. I work in a call centre enviroment & our break times are always scheduled to us out of Salaah times & some weeks we have to work late shifts from 11am to 8pm & early from 7am to 4:30pm & we are restricted to take our breaks together. I am always making my salaah past the time. I really feel very depressed when I am at work or at home for this very reason & it really eats on me all the time especially when I have heard so many talks & read many books about one who neglects his or her Salaah & yet I am still continuing to do this very sinful act over & over for so the 6 years that I am working here. Please Mufti saab I would really like you to help me & other muslims at work. 

The Islam of Firoun

Q: In the story of Musa (Alayhis Salaam), just before Pharoahe dies, he repents and declares himself a Muslim, but his Islam is not accepted. Is the situation the same for us today: if a non-Muslim doesn't accept Islam until a catastrophy happens and he knows he will die, will his Islam not be accepted?