Giving zakat to non-profit Islamic satellite channels
Q: What do the scholars say regarding the permissibility of giving zakat to non-profit Islamic satellite channels?
Q: What do the scholars say regarding the permissibility of giving zakat to non-profit Islamic satellite channels?
Q: I have seen in my dream where my sisters wedding proposal is on going, her future mother in law is in a sad mood in front of her. It was night time.
Q: Are tattoos Haram? The two most common reasons I heard is ghusal will be invalid because it covers the skin and because it is permanently changing the body. However, with modern advancements we can now remove tattoos and the tattoo is under the skin so it does not affect ghusal. If both of these are now not an issue, are tattoos now not haram?
Q: Is the earning of ebucks fnb offers permissible?
Q: Is it haram to put your hand on your chest after shaking hands?
Q: My question is regarding Iblis. If anyone knows Allah well, it's probably Iblis. What I don't understand is with all the knowledge and experience he has of Allah why is he not scared of the punishment of the hellfire. Why does he not seek Allah’s forgiveness and repent, and if he did will Allah not forgive him?
Q: Will an illegitimate child inherit from his mother and brothers and sisters born from his mother out of wedlock? If yes, how much will he inherit?
Q: Is the following Hadith regarding the Manzil correct?
Hadhrat Ubay bin Ka'b (رضي الله عنه ) reports that he was once with Rasulullaah (صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ) when a Bedouin came and said, "O Nabi of Allaah (صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ)! I have a brother who is suffering." "What is it that ails him?" Rasulullaah (صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ) asked. When the man explained that his brother was affected by the Jinn, Rasulullaah (صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ) told him to bring his brother to him. (When the man came) Rasulullaah (صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ) seated the man in front of him and recited the following to secure protection for him (against the Jinn):Manzil Comprises of the following verses:
Surah Al-Fatihah (chapter 1): verses 1 to 7
Surah Al-Bakarah (chapter 2): verses 1 to 5, 163, 255 to 257, and 284 to 286
Surah Al-Imran (chapter 3): verses 18, 26 and 27
Surah Al-A'araf (chapter 7): verses 54 to 56
Surah Al-Israa (chapter 17): verses 110 and 111
Surah Al-Muminoon (chapter 23): verses 115 to 118
Surah Al-Saaffaat (chapter 37): verses 1 to 11
Surah Al-Rahman (chapter 55): verses 33 to 40
Surah Al-Hashr (chapter 59): verses 21 to 24
Surah Al-Jinn (chapter 72): verses 1 to 4
Surah Al-Kaafiroon (chapter 109): verses 1 to 6
Surah Al-Ikhlas (chapter 112): verses 1 to 4
Surah Al-Falaq (chapter 113): verses 1 to 5
Surah Al-Naas (chapter 114): verses 1 to 6
(After Rasulullaah(صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ) recited these before him) The man then stood up as if he had never had any ailment whatsoever.(Ahmad, Haakim and Tirmidhi,as quoted in Kanzul Ummaal (Vol.1 Pg.212).)
Q: In the month of Ramadan I dreamt that I was in a place that seemed like a masjid and a lot of people were gathered and there was a recitation of the poetry of Hazrat Hakeem Seheb. I was sitting near the first saff and I just shouted in the cause of the poetry being recited by the reciter that “This is Hazrat Hakeem Seheb the sheikh of Ml Yunus Patel Seheb recite Durood and send it to him“ Immediately after saying this I started reciting durood and I never see if people also recited. Then someone from the majma said something to this effect that it is Azaan time people should prepare for salaah so I joined the first saff and people were stretching their hands out in the saff that I was in so what is the interpretation of such a dream?
Q: Is the distance of safar calculated from destination to destination or from the boarder of the city to the boarder of the city intended?