Applying for a job in a university
Q: I applied for university job. I want to be selected therefore kindly give me a wazifa to do my job in university.
Q: I applied for university job. I want to be selected therefore kindly give me a wazifa to do my job in university.
Q: Please confirm if it is Islamically allowed to be on social security parents as I have heard that it is from money that is from unislamic sources such as riba and gambling etc, and we should not partake in it. I know that some people pretend to be a single mother when their not. They are lying and that is impermissible.They lie to obtain more money for themselves, their husband and their kids. But I am telling the truth me and my husband are on fortnightly payments. My children also receive some money from the government on a fortnightly basis. Is this allowed? Please confirm as I am very concerned about this issue.
Q: I made istikara a few times this week regarding marriage to a man. I asked for guidance from Allah whether he was my naseeb husband. No proposals/discussions have been made with families or anything, though. Last night I dreamt me and the man were walking down a mountain that was blanketed in clean, white snow. It was snowing profusely in the dream. I was watching us walk down from another person's perspective, if that makes sense. However, I was supporting him 100% down the mountain it's as though he couldn't walk himself, however the atmosphere was fun and we were very happy and laughing. And I didn't feel burdened by his weight, or cold at all from the ice or snow and enjoyed the walk down. I was happy and elated walking down the mountain. I've read that white in an istikhara dream mean yes, however, I've read elsewhere in an islamic dream dictionary online that descending a mountain means losing rank or respect in the community.
My family is non-muslim unfortunately, but the man's parent's are Hajees. I am a revert of 2 years.
Q: Does iddat (waiting period) count for someone who is old?
My grandmother is 80 years old and recently her husband passed away. So since she is old does the rule of iddat apply to her and if yes, what is her iddat?
Q: How did Sahaba/Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) use a long kurtha/and lungi whilst riding a horse etc?
Q: Is it permissable for women to shave?
Q: Is it essential to obtain permission to read duas and supplications from books and from websites which you believe are from a reliable source? Do you need permission to read the dua asked by another person answered online? Is it permissable for women to shave?
Q: I read a mas'alah on… below:
"It is not permissible for a Hafiz who recited Taraweeh to receive remuneration for his Taraweeh recital. His Salaat will not be accepted if he takes a fee or ‘gifts’ for his Taraweeh performance."
But In the Masjid of our village, people collect money for Imaam (he leads taraweeh), and give him at the last night when he completes recitation of Whole Quran. Is it correct to do what is being done in our village?
Q: A person gave his car to an agent to sell. While he was taking the car to show it to a customer, he met in an accident. While avoiding one car, the agent panicked and pressed the accelerator instead of applying the brakes. Who is liable for the damage?
Q: Is here any hadith that says that people who constantly dispute in matters of Deen go astray or lose noor of hidayat?