Performing Salaah behind an Imaam who makes masah on thin socks
Q: The mosque I go to, basically everyone of those who lead the salaah wipes over regular socks. Must I repeat my salaah?
Q: The mosque I go to, basically everyone of those who lead the salaah wipes over regular socks. Must I repeat my salaah?
Q: A sheikh of tasawwuf told his murid, who was going for four months to read salaah at a certain spot in Nizamuddeen markaz where Ml Ilyaas (Rahmatullahi Alayh) used to read tahajjud salaah, is this not bidat? Is such a action established in deen? If there is such a thing as taking barkat, will it not be restricted to Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)? Please answer in detail with relevant proofs from Quraan and Hadith.
Q: I am a bit confused of the ibarat of Ahsanul fatawa (vol 4 pg 248) about (wetting the mouth and nose of a junubi mayyit) being fardh or mustahab?
Q: I want to ask that what is the definition of ummat from the Shari'ah and general aspect? I have asked from general aspect because I want to know what should one reply to a person if he asks what is ummat? Also tell that is this word of ummat used in Qur'an and Hadith?
Q: Why is Auzu billahi min-ash-shaitan-ir-rajim" not written with "Bismillah-ir Rahman-ir Rahim" i.e. We find in the Holy Qur’an "Bismillah-ir Rahman-ir Rahim" written before each surah but "Auzu billahi min-ash-shaitan-ir-rajim" is not written, why?
Q: If I say that Allah must transfer my reward of Jannah eg. wives, friends to Prophet Muhammed (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) or someone else (something to the effect), will I be forgiven for it and my reward will not be transferred?
Q: I heard after nikah hugging is to be avoided. You are also aware every one hugs after nikah as well as after eid. Could you please let me know what is the sunnah way to wish one another?
Q: Is a hajj that is performed by someone who's money is 100% haraam from selling drugs accepted, the person is a drug dealer. When the person is on Arafat is all his sins also forgiven when returning as a Hajji. Please give a detial explanation & what is the punishment.
Q: If a person knows he does not have wudhu and pretends he is in ruku but is not reading salah does this constitute kufr?
Q: An Aalim says: Traditional Eid-e-Milad-Un-nabi is Bid'ah. It is not Islamically right. But, it is true that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) himself celebrates the days Modays keeping Fast since it was his birth day, day of Hijrat, day of getting Nabuwat etc. I would like to know, if it is correct and if so, can we keep fast on Mondays like our prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)?