Burying a stillborn in the qabrastan
Q: The children who die while in the wombs. Is it necessary to bury them in the qabrastan or anywhere else (for example; garden, backyard etc)?
Q: The children who die while in the wombs. Is it necessary to bury them in the qabrastan or anywhere else (for example; garden, backyard etc)?
Q: Is it allowed for the woman to visit the Rawdha (grave) of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)?
Q: Do we have any authentic reference concerning the hair of the woman should be divided into two parts and put on top of the qamees? Whereas in Bukhari and Muslim Shareef (in the waqeea of Umme Atiyyah) it is mentioned that the hair was divided into three parts.
Q: Is the permissibility of giving salam to Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) on another persons behalf mentioned in any hadith?
Q: If a person asks you to slaughter a sheep on his behalf on the days of qurbani and you agreed to do so, however you didn't verbally take his name at the time of slaughtering, but you did know that you are slaughtering for this person, so is the qurbaani valid on his behalf?
Q: I have a non muslim friend who's having bad dreams at night and can not sleep at night. How can I help him?
Q: Is it obligatory for a female to cover her head during the time of 'Azaan' when she is at home? If not then why muslim women act like this?
Q: I was told that it was stated in a certain shaykhs bayaan that during the period when wahi was stopped, Nabi (Sallalahu Alayhi Wasallam) became despondent and wanted to commit suicide. According to my (ignorant) knowledge, I can never associate the mubarak countenance of Nabi (Sallalahu Alayhi Wasallam) with that of someone wanting to take his own life. Please clarify as the possibility of me being incorrect is very likely.
Q: I have a question that a brother and sister both have passed away. Their parents have left behind two properties in India. One full property and other has only ground floor given to them as a part from their share as waqaf-ul-aulad. (Other first floor and second floor went to other cousins from their mother side.) Brother has a son and four daughters. And sister has two sons. What shares exactly be given to all children of both brother and sister when that will be sold, as both have passed away. Brother has helped a lot in raising his sister's sons after his sister passed away years ago. Also what share for the wife of the brother who is still alive?
Q: I am fully confused about my life. I am married and my husband kidnaped me and married me, so I don't like him and I have one son also. I don't want to stay anymore with him. I am suffering a lot now. No more I want to suffer, so according to Islam what can I do? I have decided to divorce him and marry another guy because I am not happy. I want to be happy in my life so what should I do? Please help me.