Nikaah after an illicit relationship

Q: Musa and zainab are involved in illicit relationship for couple years, by the occurrence of the days and nights their relation became more solid because now zainab fell pregnant. To get rid from this shame the two families decided to get them married. What will be the hukam of this nikkah according to shaafi and hanafi mazhab and what will be the solution to this matter (for these people to be saved from this shame Islamically)?

Right of custody if the mother remarries

Q: Does a remarried divorcee have a right over her children from the previous marriage a lady got her marriage dissolved and her boys were left with her former husband (who is their father) and later she remarried. Now she wants her boys back, and says the shariah supports her on this – but the husbands claims that she waived her custodial rights by remarrying -- and that the boys will suffer under their step father.

Advice for husbands

Q: Alhamdulillah on the 2nd August is my nikah, Mufti Saheb please make duah Allah Ta'ala makes this a means of my Imaan been perfected. Maaf for the inconvenience, Mufti Saheb please give me some naseehats with regards to marriage.