Wiping the feet instead of washing them
Q: If we wipe our feet with wet hands and don’t actually wash them would it be sufficient to discharge the fard.
Q: If we wipe our feet with wet hands and don’t actually wash them would it be sufficient to discharge the fard.
Q: Is following the sequence is also a Fard in performing Wudu?
Q: If one has to recite only one Ayah in a rakat of a Salah how long it should be?
Q: As a general rule does an act which would be makruh if done intentionally, if that act happens out of control of the person praying, does this make his salaah makruh ?
Q: If one is praying, and during last rakaat a boy with a animated t-shirt comes to the entrance of the room and he stands at 4 o'clock of the praying person from a distance of 3 meters, does the person salaah become makrooh.
Q: The mosque I am going the imaam makes the witr as 2 rakaat followed by 1 rakaat in which he makes qunut after the ruku whereby everbody raise hands as in duaa and says everytime amin to the duaa.
If a Hanafi follows this imaam is his witr also valid? Secondly they start the tarawih rightaway after the fard of isha thus they dont perform first 2 rakaat sunnah. When should I pray this?
Q: I need to know if Hanafi's can read witr salaah in Ramadaan in Jamaat behind a shafi imaam? I need answers based on proof from the fiqh books.
Q: Does a woman have to repeat her 4 Fardh Zohr, if she makes 2 rakaats Jummah with the Imaam?
Q: At home if my mum, wife and daughters make Jamaat, is there anything wrong?
Q: It is mentioned that a person's dua will be answered if he makes duaa after the fardh salaah. Does this mean that he should make dua after the fardh of the salaah or after the entire salaah is completed?