Forcing someone to commit a sin
Q: If I force someone to do a sin though I consider the sin as haraam, will I be a disbeliever?
Q: If I force someone to do a sin though I consider the sin as haraam, will I be a disbeliever?
Q: Is it permissible to picture that one is standing in front of the Roza-Mubarak when reciting Durood Shareef in Salaah?
Q: I wanted to ask if listening to subliminals is permissible in Islam. If the intention is to use it as a positive affirmation like to boost confidence and motivation, especially while studying. I don't want to listen to music or anything haraam, so I was thinking of using subliminals with natural sounds, like rain, and without any audible words. Would this be okay from an Islamic perspective?
Q: If someone exposes his sin to his friend, will he be a disbeliever/kaafir for this act?
Q: A woman doesn't observe pardah (covering her face).
She works in a home. There is a man and a woman. The man observes pardah from her. When she comes to work, she comes walking and without pardah. The employees have tried to encourage her to wear pardah but to no avail.
Now she is offered a job at another place. There it is not clear who she will come into contact with.
My question is, if a person suggests for her to take the job, is the person sinful because she will come into contact with men. She isn't observing pardah, she is also leaving the house to come to work, so on the way she is going to come across men.
Q: My question is related to the validity of the fast.
While doing my Kaffarah, I was cleaning my home and dusting off some shelves on the 58th day out of 60 days. Some dust flew in the air and I inhaled it. I looked the issue up in Maraqi al-Falah and it said in the chapter of that which does not invalidate the fast, "dust or smoke alongside smoke from wood or incense entering one’s throat without one’s doing".
Here, it is mentioned, that smoke and dust which is inhaled by ones own doing will invalidate the fast. Does the aspect of causing it oneself only apply to smoke or does it apply to dust, too?
Is the scenario I described classed as deliberately causing it myself? Do I have to restart my Kaffarah because of the fast becoming invalide or is the fast still valid?
Q: I want to know which one is the correct name among these
1. رُوميصا
2. رُوميسا
3. رُوميشا
Q: I would like to find out if this method is correct. If not, what would be the best method?
A man had a family. His wife passed away then he remarried. Before he passed away, he gifted his house to his wife.
She is living in the house but she made wassiyat for it to be given to her husbands heirs when she passes away.
She has brothers, nephews and nieces (some of them are aware and happy about her decision).
Her husband's heirs were not yet told gifted or made owners of it.
Q: If a person studies worldly knowledge such as other sciences will he be a disbeliever?
Q: Is it correct to say or is there any Hadith that says that a woman's musalla is like a masjid and before starting a salah or standing on the musalla in the house she should read: Allahumma Aftahli Ab Wa Ba Rahmatik" like how men do before entering masjid.