Persevering patiently and overlooking the shortcomings of people

Q: I am very confused about my isthikhara dream. Few months before I did isthikhara for my married life as things were not going right. When I did isthikhara I dreamt on the same night. Alhamdullilah I saw a beautiful dream. I saw my mother in-law wearing green colour of apron and I saw fresh green grass, green spinach and white garlic. I did ishtikhara for my whole family but I only saw my mother in-law there. The rest I saw green colour everywhere and I didn't see any other family member, what does that mean? I saw only my mother in-law and the rest green colours? My family includes me my husband, my father in-law and mother in-law. When I did isthikhara, it was at my mother's home. Then things went good and my husband came and with him I came back to my home. I mean my husband's home.

A: The dream indicates towards your relationship with your husband and in-laws improving. In life, there will be many challenges that one will go through. However, one will have to persevere patiently and learn how to overlook the shortcomings of people.One should make a concerted effort to improve one's character when dealing with people in general and one's family and in-laws in particular. Similarly, one should adopt an approach of cooperating and assisting one another in good. Mistakes are bound to take place among people. Hence we should learn to forgive and overlook and be more concerned about fulfilling the obligations we owe to others and less concerned about demanding our rights. 

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada