
Q: I have a mental condition called psychosis, OCD, split personality disorder and I sometimes just completely just zone out randomly (previous to them I'll be completely engrossed in the remembrance of Allah) and i will start going through my memories of events by judging people, talking to or about them as if I am enacting them, and sometimes my body goes into automation (either 100% or partial while I'm still able to control my self) and I start backbiting them or I just have the emotion of malice that is not genuine and the next word or phrase I say is something dangerously close to backbiting or it is backbiting. In these situations did I backbite these people and do I need to seek forgiveness from the people I have backbited while I was still partial in control? (for example, I'll be randomly talking and acting out a discussion of two people and I will have the emotion of hatred for them and I'll put myself where my next word is to speak bad about them or is dangerously close to it.) I also do these things while I'm talking to Allah myself or to unknown made up intentions to the surrounding area of where I am (I am almost 100% alone when I am doing this).

A: Refrain from this and make istighfaar.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)

