Marital problems

Q: I really need your advice. I am married for almost a year now. My husband works only on weekends at the Fleamarket while I work Monday- Fridays normal 8- 5 shifts. During the week he is at leisure . He goes to the Malls , sits on the beach. sleeps etc etc. This is really getting to me . I feel as a man it is his duty to take care of me. I asked him to go find a normal weekday job . He said straight out he cant afford to take care of me . That is why I have to work. I don't have a problem working , I love to work . But why doesn't he want to work as well. I compare him to other men and he gets angry .These days when i get home his not at home his either at his friends or looking for car parts for his golf. I got so angry last night because I want to come home to my husband but he is sitting at his friends house. We ended up in a huge argument, I broke his cigarettes and then he hit me. Yes mufti he hit me. He says I must grow up this is the 21st century men dont need to take care of woman. Am I wrong. We all want the good things in life to be at leisure. We live with his family. No body at home knows what he did that is why i am hoping to get a response from you. He says I am jealous of his lifestyle . Yes I am. I am lost. Must I leave him?

A: If you cannot manage living with him then ask for a separation.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)