Taking a second wife

Q: My question is about my wife. I have normally extreme need of sex but my wife does not allow me to have properly she come to me only twice or thrice a month sometimes only one time. That also not willing by her only. She performs it as a formality. It has been 12 years of my marriage. In early days it was ok, but also not that much which could be normal among husband and wife but since more then 5 years she is does not take any interest. Give me any good answer. I love my wife but I don't want to do zina. Please guide me what should I do? Even if I discuses with her, she does not take anything serious. Am I allowed to do 2nd marriage in this condition?

A: Yes. However, I feel that you should first discuss this with your wife.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)