Living separately

Q: My question is that if someone's mother does not treat his wife well and blames her character without any evidence and blames her for doing magic based on that. If the son's mother hides a lot of things in the house with his wife which irritate his wife which ultimately results in starting miss behave with husband's mother and ask husband to arrange separate home for her but son resist to live w/o mother and father. Based on daily argue and conflicts, husband tried to convince his mother couple of times then start shouting on his mother for few occasions for injustice behaviour with his wife then what is the kuffara and way forward to get Allah's Raza?

A: If your wife has difficulty in living with your mother the best thing is to live separately. But don't hurt your mother, visit her regularly and be of service to her.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)