False allegations and accusations levelled against the Ulama of Deoband

Q: Barelwis say that deobandi ulama are kafir due to the statements mentioned below in their books. Please explain. I am very worried because I follow the Deobandi ulama.

1- Rasheed ahmed gangohi rehmatullah alleh neh apni kitab fataawa rashidia Mein likha hai.. "Allah tallah jhoot bol sakta hai" (nauz billah) fatawa Rashidiya part 1 pg 20

2- Ashraf ali thanvi rehmatullah neh apni kitab hafizul eiman mein likhahai Keh nabi sallah hoo alleh wasalam ka ilm aisa hai jaisey bachoon pagloo aur Janwaroo ko bhi hota hai (hifzul eiman page 8 ) nauz billah

3- Qasim nanthovi rehmatullah alleh neh apni kitab tehzeer ulnaas mein likha Hai agar koi nabi aajaey tau khatum nabuwat par koi faraq nahin parey ga.. Tehzeer naas pg 24 nauzbillah

4- Khalil ahmed ambbithwi neh apni kitab barheen qatiya mein likhta hai nabi Kareeh sallah hoo alleh wasallam sah zada ilm shitan ko hai ... Bahreen Qaatiya pg nbr 51-52 nauz billah

A: These are all false allegations and accusations leveled against these great buzrugaane-e-Deen. We would appreciate if you could source out these statements from their original sources in their correct context, written by the author himself (not relying on mere translations written by others who wish to defame them).

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
