Consulting one's parents in regard to nikaah

Q: I have read istikaarah namaaz regarding marrying a boy I am intetested in. The first night I read, I had a confused dream. The second night that I read, I dreamt that the boy had passed away as well as two other females. A Moulana read the janaazah for the one female and she was his wife. If I remember correctly the second female was his daughter. He read a separate salaah for each. He was then supposed to read the janaazah salaah for the boy I'm interested in but he told me he cannot read it and he refused and I think he apologised. Thereafter the grave of the boy was moved, it was as though the entire grave was relocated to another location but it was not a graveyard and I remember the moulana tapping the top sand of the grave. The place where the graves of the other two females were also not in a graveyard. Please tell me what this means.

A: Discuss the matter with your parents and elders. If after following the necessary procedures you find the character, ways, habits, deeni values, etc. of the boy to be acceptable and your family elders are also happy and all of you are positive in this regards then you may go ahead.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
