Making the niyyat of ihraam before passing the miqaat

Q: My wife made 2 mistakes in umrah. We are worried that we have to give sadaqa, damm or any other fine for that mistake or it can be ignored.

1. Although we left our home with the niyyat of umra, but when the meekat came she didn't make proper niyat by words. She make proper niyat by words when we reached Makkah.

2. During tawaf she covered her face with full burka as she was worried about her hair becoming exposed.


1. If before passing the miqaat she made the niyyat within her heart that she is entering into ihraam and she also recited the talbiyah at that time, her ihraam was valid. She will not have to give any damm. Making a verbal intention to enter into ihraam is not necessary.

2. In the state of Ihraam if quarter or more of the face is covered for an entire day or night (i.e. 12 hours) or more then, one damm becomes waajib. If quarter or more of the face is covered for less than one day or night then sadaqa becomes waajib. If less than quarter of the face is covered for an entire day or night or more, then sadaqa becomes waajib.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)