Consulting one's parents with regards to nikaah

Q: Please advise: I am a 25 year old female and feel that I am ready for marriage. My parents have been looking for a suitable spouse for me. So far I have had boys (who were suggested my family members/family friends) come home to propose but it did not go further because both I and my family felt that the boy and I were not compatible. An old friend (female) recently contacted me through Facebook and said that her cousin (who went to the same school as me -7 years ago) is ready for marriage and would like to contact my parents. I am aware of the fitna of social media and have been very careful about how I use it. I do not post any pictures of myself so I am certain that this is not the reason that her cousin would like to speak to my parents. Would you advise that I give this friend my parents' contact details? Or would it be better to turn down her request and wait for another proposal to be suggested by a family member?

A: I suggest that you may give her the details with the consent of your parents.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)