Signing divorce papers three times

Q: May I ask firstly I separated from my ex husband back in Sept 2008 due to him been very abusive towards me and my children and my intention not to take him back in my life again. He agreed and said talaq to me once and walked out the door. The marriage never reconciliation after then and there was no communication in any way between us until 2012 when my daughter reported him to the social service for abuse and there was an investigation taken place where we had to go to court he was asked in front of 4 barristers and a judge whether he is still married to me or not and when did he give me an islamic talaq. He replied in front of the legal parties in court by saying that I am haraam for him every way possible even by looking at me he is doing a sin and I say it again in front of you that I have divorced this lady and she is no longer my wife. I was told by an imaam of my local mosque that by him saying this in front of the legal parties that my nikaah is broken with him, then due to having a court marriage as well I filed for divorce against him and he signed the paper 3 times. Am I right to think that I'm no longer binded with him.

Firstly could you please verify this for me as I am looking to remarry again.

A: You are no longer bound to him.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)