Does ruju' take place through the spouses talking?

Q: I want to ask that my husband gave me talaq for one time and we made ruju. But condition were fine between us and I demanded for khula. But my husband gave another talaq. But now he wants to live with me again and I don't want to live with him. And my iddah is not completed. He attempted suicide and I went to talk to him and we are talking for few days. He made request to reconcile again. But has not said that he has taken me back or any thing. I touched him but my intension is still not going back to him or reconcile. Did ruju happen between us? I don't wish to go to him back. I was talking to him just because I can help him to come out from mental stress. Please tell about my situation. Are we in nikaah again or am I still in my iddah?

A: No ruju has taken place.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)