Serving parents

Q: I have lived a care free life. Taking everything for granted. I am 27 now. My parents are old now. I want to serve them as the best son in the whole but I have no clue what to do for a living and supporting them financially. Please pray for me and tell me a wazifa that Allah's helps descends on me.

A: Serve them and take care of them to the best of your ability. Recite the following dua after salaah.

رَبِّ أَوْزِعْنِي أَنْ أَشْكُرَ نِعْمَتَكَ الَّتِي أَنْعَمْتَ عَلَيَّ وَعَلَى وَالِدَيَّ وَأَنْ أَعْمَلَ صَالِحًا تَرْضَاهُ وَأَصْلِحْ لِي فِي ذُرِّيَّتِي إِنِّي تُبْتُ إِلَيْكَ وَإِنِّي مِنَ الْمُسْلِمِينَ

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)