Rights of parents

Woman working due to living with an abusive mother

Q: I live with my mother who is mentally and physically abusive to me and my siblings. Last year, she broke my nose, she has called me ugly and stupid and worthless my whole life. She pushes me to do things that are detrimental to my mental health - like marrying someone 11 years older or getting into med school. 

I want to leave my household and make a life for myself so that I don’t constantly feel suicidal and can do some good in this world. But in order to leave, I must apply to programs that I do not have the qualifications for - there is a program that requires me to have one year work experience and I only have 6 months. 

Even though I do not want to lie, I was wondering if it might be permissible for me to do so in this situation just to help my chances of getting out my house?

Husband preventing wife from taking care of her old mother

Q: What should I do when my mother is old and she has no one to look after her. My husband does not want me to take care my mother. I am the only child. My father passed away.

I told my husband that she does not have anyone to go to but he ruined her visa application so she cannot stay with me. I am sad to see her in pain but I don't know what to do? If I take her side then my husband blames baseless things in her.

What do I do in such a situation? He's not supporting me in this. He's also not a religious man and he does not pray at all. He does not follow Islam. There no family members that can step in and stop him. 

Mother preventing child from getting married

Q: My question is in regards to my obligations to my parents. I am 26 years old and I have always respected my parents, loved them and still do. I am ready for marriage but my mother keeps putting obstacles on my way and she doesn’t want me to get married. She already said yes to a proposal with lots of hardships. She always says you’re going to have bad luck, you’re going to cry once you get married, you need to take care of your parents (although I have other sisters and brothers). She also doesn’t understand that one day her daughter will get married or at least she will have the right to get married but she always refuses and says everyone has taken care of their parents instead of marriage, why can’t you, please guide me what to do?

Respecting one's abusive father

Q: I have a father, he is a worst creature I have ever seen in my life unfortunately. He always abuses us, my mother, his own mother while talking to us almost 7/10 times. He never spends a single penny on us apart from studies.

I am 25 years old and I have seen the emotional torture for the last 25 years. He used to beat our mother, I wish with a dare, I answer his nonsense infront of 10 people, but my mother stops me always saying that he is my father. She actually covers his psycho behaviour.

Some time from now I will get married and I dont want my wife to see such evil stuff, and my children as well (in shaa Allah).

Whenever I think of taking some legal and respectful action against him, to settle down things for atleast me, I am being stopped by my mother in the name of Islam. I want to know my Islamic right, how can I save myself from emotional torture?

We did a medical test for his brain (MRI), it came fine perfectly, the doctor says he has now multiple personality disorder, but I don't agree, since he has been the same person from day 1.

I want go away from him to save myself, and in shaa Allah my future family. Can I do this in Islam, because I am always being stopped in the name of Islam.