Blaming taqdeer

Q: I think I have a serious problem in my Iman. I am not clear of certain things and it is really important to clear it. Whenever I face some hardship or insult or Allah punishing me, I feel like it is not my fault because everything is in His hands. The towfiq of making tawba or doing something correct, everything is controlled by Him.

Allah created Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) in such a way that Jibrail (alaihis salaam) came and cleansed his mubaarak heart. It is obvious that he is the best among us and this all Allah's plan.

An evil person's circumstances are like this that if he does any good deeds then it is from Allah. If Allah doesn't give hime the towfiq to do good then why will Allah punish him? To do good or bad is fate. Can you please explain this?

A: There isn't anything that happens without the will of Allah, yet man endeavours to acquire good and guard himself against evil. You will not pull out the car and drive recklessly though you know that nothing happens without the will of Allah. As things happen with the will of Allah, Allah wants you to take precaution and guard yourself from harm in your physical life. In this way, you will save yourself from accidents, disaster, losses etc. The same will happen in the spiritual world.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)

