Carrying and burying the deceased

Burial of the deceased


  1. Should one sprinkle water on the qabr after burial? Many people do so. What is the shar'ee hukm?
  2. If plants grow on grave should they be cut?
  3. Should one put a twig on the qabr?
  4. People look at the mayats face and delay the burial. What should be done?
  5. Is there any Hadith regarding recitation of the first and last ruku of Surah baqarah after burial and also what is the hukm of dua in congregation after burial?

Some questions relating to ghusal and burial


  1. Can we allow the non muslim to participate in the funeral rites of a muslim?
  2. Is it Mustahab to place a green twig on the graves?
  3. Is there permissibility to plant on the graves?
  4. A pregnant woman dies and it is not known whether the child in the womb is alive or not. What should be done in this case?
  5. Is the qamees of a male similar to the female? Is the hair of a female divided into two parts and place on the qamees?