Miscellaneous masaail of Janaazah

Wife or daughter looking at the body of the deceased when they are in haidh or nifaas


  1. I wanted to ask if just say when a father passes away and his daughter is in haidh or nifaas then can she see the body and if not why and should she attend the funeral?
  2. Also I wanted to ask the maslah about the wife seeing the husbands body when he has passed away can she see it and can the husband see his wife's body? And why is their nikaah broken because he passed away or she passed away? Or what if she is in nifaas or haidh can she see the body?

Placing a line of bricks around the grave


  1. Laying a layer of brick stones around a grave for identifying the presence of a grave but not building anything over the grave, is it permitted or not? Does it come under the category of a pukka grave which is prohibited in Shari'ah? We see in Jannatul Baqi that many graves have a demarcation with a layer of rock stones around them.
  2. What is the meaning of the statement that 70000 dead will be taken out from a single grave on the Day of Resurrection? The numbers 7, 70, 700, 70000 are used in Hadiths and in the Quran to describe different situations. Can we take these numbers in the literal sense or do they convey any other meaning?

Reciting the Kalimah at the time of Death

Q: My father passed away about one year ago there is something that is worrying me and I am a bit concerned. I am worried and concerned if my father read kalimah at the time of his death because he was alone in his room he passed away while resting an Aalim from our local musjid told me if he had perspiration on his head its a good sign we did notice perspiration on his head please advise me is this just a ploy of shaitaan putting doubt in me or is there something I can do to put my mind at ease that my father did read kalimah at the time of his death my father used to read his salaah,quraan,and 100 Duroods.

Questions pertaining to death and Janaazah


  1. Desire for death in order to meet Allah. Is it virtuous and recommended?
  2. Is there any significance in going to the qabrastan on special nights (shabe baraat, lailatul qadr, eid etc)?
  3. What answer can be given to those who say that janazah salaah does take place in Masjid-e-haraam?
  4. If a person joins the janazah salaah after the fourth takbeer before the salaam. How should he join the jama’ah. Will he be considered as a masbooq?
  5. Is it mentioned in any authentic books that the Messenger of Allah gave ghusl to the dead?

Janaazah related Hadith questions


  1. If the mahram of the mayyit is in the condition of janabat, what should they do in this case, because approaching the mayyit is not permissible?
  2. The hadith on dying in the month of Ramadan, mufti sahib mentioned, is it the word of Nabi Kareem (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)?
  3. Covering the janazah of a woman. Some books mention a riwayat of Fatima (Radiyallahu Anha) gaving instructions to cover her janaza. Can it be located from the books of hadith?
  4. In fatawa raheemiah (vol 7, pg 48) it is mention a hadith from bada’i us sanai that the prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said to Umar (Radiyallahu Anahu) janazah salaah is not repeated. Can it be located from the books of hadith?
  5. It is mentioned in a hadith : “The living cannot be guaranteed safety from fitnah (trials and tribulations) …” (Imdadul Fatawa, vol 5, pg 302). Can it be located from the books of hadith? 

Please give me the references from the books of hadith.

Grave stones and reusing old graves


  1. Please let me know if installing a gravestone with the name of the deceased inscribed on it for the purpose of identification is Jaiz? I am told that the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) had put a gravestone on the graves of his son Ibrahim (Alayhis Salaam) and also a Sahabi Uthmaan bin Mazoon. Even today we notice gravestones in many of the graves at jannatul Baqi. 
  2. Is it compulsory to reuse a grave inspite of sufficient vacant space being available in the graveyard? If required after how long can a grave be reused?