Times of Salaah

Joining two Salaahs in one time

Q: Please advise on the ruling regarding joining of Salaahs when one is a musaafir. Most people join their salaah saying it is permitted as a musafir and better to join than miss it. And in which circumstances will it be permissible to join? If a person joins their Salaah regularly as a musafir will the salaah be valid?

When does Tahajjud time end?

Q: I have two questions which I kindly request you to answer me.

1. I have doubt regarding tahajjud Salaah. I want to know when it exactly ends. Say the fajr Salaah starts at 5.23 am in where I live , now. Till wheat time then can we pray tahajjud Salaah? I want to know the timing so I can rectify if I make any mistakes.

2. Can we recite salawatun naariya with a particular niyat to be fulfilled? Where I live people recite it 4444 times with a particular niyat he or she has. Is it permissible?

The time of ishraaq Salaah


1. When does the time of Ishraaq end?

2. A person engages in Zikr after Fajr Salaah till the commencement of Ishraaq. He stops his Zikr, performs his Ishraaq at this earliest time, and thereafter resumes his Zikr until completion. Will it be better for him to complete all his Zikr first, and then perform his Ishraaq Salaah? Or will it be better to pause his Zikr and perform Ishraaq at the earliest time?

Performing Fajar Salaah before Azaan

Q: Can a male perform Fajr salaah 10 to 20 minutes before the Fajr Salaah. I work 70 km away from my work place, it takes at least 1 hour in the morning to get to work I have to open up the building and warehouse that accommodates a staff of 250 people. So I have to leave home by at least 5.30am to make in time to open up for the staff members. Please advise can I as a male perform my Fajr salaah 10 to 20 minutes before the Fajr Azaan?