Times of Salaah

Performing Fajar Salaah before Azaan

Q: Can a male perform Fajr salaah 10 to 20 minutes before the Fajr Salaah. I work 70 km away from my work place, it takes at least 1 hour in the morning to get to work I have to open up the building and warehouse that accommodates a staff of 250 people. So I have to leave home by at least 5.30am to make in time to open up for the staff members. Please advise can I as a male perform my Fajr salaah 10 to 20 minutes before the Fajr Azaan?

Performing maghrib Salaah half and hour after the time sets in

Q: I started praying Maghrib Fardh about 30-31 mins after Maghrib started (according to the calendar) and finished 41 mins or so after Maghrib started. I am not sure if I performed it on time as it was already dark outside. Do I make up the prayer or is it valid because my intention was to pray the fardh of maghrib? I also prayed 2 sunnah what about them?

Countries which have six months day and six months night

Q: It has been some time ago that I had read something in Ma'aariful Quraan of mufti Shafi' sb (RA) and I just cannot remember in which volume it appears. The discussion was on the namaaz times in those countries where they have six months day lite and six months night. First time I had read that explanation and I'd like to read it again but just cannot find it. Will it be possible to let me know under the tafseer of which aayat I will be able to find it?