Times of Salaah

Time of Esha Salaah

Q: Last Friday I made a mistake when I looked at the prayer times on the internet. The site I looked at gave two times for Esha. One time for 17 degrees (which is the view of Abu Yusuf, Imaam Muhammad, Shafi, Maalik, Ahmad bin Hanbal) and one time for 19 degrees (which is the opinion of Abu Hanifa). The mosque I go to use an even a earlier time of 15 degrees for Esha. My calendar at home uses 12 degrees. Now last Friday the time for Esha for 17 degrees was 23:10 and for 19 degrees it was 23:33 o'clock. Now when I go to the mosque for Esha I pray with the jamaat who pray at 15 degrees for Esha. But when I pray at home I used to pray at 19 degrees. So last Friday I prayed Esha with my brother at home by mistake at 17 degrees, and the next day on Saturday I prayed also on 17 degrees. I came to know this the next day on Sunday after Fajr time was expired. Now what should I do? I am not sure what to do therefore I ask you. Can I consider them valid as I prayed at 17 degrees which is valid according to all Imaams except Abu Hanifa? Or must I repeat first those two Esha and Witr prayer before I pray the current prayer of the time? If yes, what about the prayers I prayed in the meanwhile before getting your answer? Or should I wait until 6 prayers are passed over the Esha prayer I peformed at 17 degrees, then pray those two Esha and Witr prayers at any time? Or did I have to repeat those two Esha and witr prayers, then repeat the Fajr then pray the prayer that is coming i.e. Dhuhr?

Esha time sets in at midnight in Romania

Q: We Live in a country Romania where the maghrib salaah is at 9:15pm. According to the perpetual salaah time table the time for esha comes in at midnight. This is inconvenient, especially so for salaah in jamaah at the local musallah. Under these circumstances, will it be permissible for us to perform esha salaat with jamaah before the time of esha comes in? This will be at around 10:30pm.

Combining Salaahs

Q: You have mentioned that "One wudhu will suffice for both the namaazes if they are read in the time of Esha" but my question is that what if the the both salaah Maghrib & Esha are combined and prayed in Maghrib time, will the wudhu of Maghrib suffice for Esha salaah? 

Last time of Maghrib Salaah

Q: If one is for example about to pray Maghrib after the time of those who calculate end of maghrib time with 12 degree or 15 degree, but one is still before the time of 18 degree, should one make the intention for the adh'aa of that days Maghrib or for the qadh'aa of that days Maghrib ? For example Maghrib time is at 20:00 according to 12 degree Maghrib ends 21:15, according to 15 degree, it ends 21:40 and according to 18 degree it ends at 22:00. Now how must I make the intention if I would start praying Maghrib at 21:25 or at 21:45? Because when I am in such situation because of the waswas of what to do, I pray one time as adh'aa and after it repeat one time as qadh'aa. Should I make intention to pray the current day Maghrib, or the currents day qadh'aa of Maghrib in such a case? Or can I make intention like ''I want to pray the Fard of Maghrib of this day, which I have not prayed yet'' does such intention then count for both i.e. if it was a adh'aa it will count for adh'aa, and if it was a qadh'aa it will count for a qadh'aa? Does such an intention count according to Abu Hanifa, Imaam Muhammad, Abu Yusuf? Should I avoid that during my salaah in the above case of Maghrib that the specific time of 12 and 15 degrees falls in the middle of my salaah, since according to Abu Hanifa entering a new time during salaah would make the prayer faasid?

Salaah time expiring while one is performing Salaah

Q: It read if one one makes a niyyah ''to pray the fard of the current time'' and the time ends during the performance of salaah, and one does not know this then the salaah is not sahih. But when one knows the time ended during performance then the salaah is sahih. True? But if one had make niyyah ''to pray the fard of Dhuhr of today'' then salaah is sahih if during performance another prayer time enters. True?