Wearing a T-shirt and performing Salaah
Q: How is it to perform salaah wearing a T-shirt?
Q: How is it to perform salaah wearing a T-shirt?
Q: We are Hanafi. If I am leading the salaah at home, and my wife wants to read salaah behind me. What intention should I make? E.g. during ramadhaan, I read Esha, Taraweeh and Witr. Do I need to make an intention for each two rakaats that she is behind, or can I make an intention once for Esha and let it count for all. How must the intention be made? Verbally, in the mind, or just a realisation that she is behind me?
Q: I follow the Hanafi fiqh and the time for Asr salaah is at 6pm but I live in a city in which we only have one musjid and they read asr at the Shafi'ee time of 5:15pm. Is it okay for me to read asr with Jamaat according to the Shafi'ee fiqh even though I follow the Hanafi fiqh?
Q: I have heard that Salaah is more makrooh when our trousers (pants) are folded up during Salaah? Please advise with the reference from Hadith.
Q: Is one allowed to change one's niyyat of Salaah (during salaah) from Fardh to Qadhaa?
Q: At work sometimes there isn't enough time to pray Asr before closing. Is it possible for me as a female to pray my salaah whilst the azaan is being given.
Q: After wudhu can ladies wear lipstick and read namaaz or before wudhu?
Q: At the ground where one places his feets during qiyaam, there is less than a dirham najasah and one notices this after salaah? Is the prayer valid?
Q: Is namaaz makruh if the jubba does not cover the elbows?