Times of Salaah

Combining salaahs due to illness

Q: Can I combine my prayers? I have a urine condition where if I go to the toilet, then after a few minutes, I feel that there is a drop of urine coming out.

Due to this condition, I try to not go to the toilet in the daytime so that I can perform my prayers, but it is a painful process to suppress your need to relieve yourself.

Can I combine my Zohr and Asr prayers and then perform the Esha prayer with Maghrib?

Hanafi performing Asr Salaah in Shaafi'ee time

Q: As the Asr prayer for the Ahnaaf starts after Mithle-Thaani, in Gulf countries it starts at Mithle-Awwal and the jamaat of Asr in the Masjid is made whilst the Dhuhr time of Ahnaaf is still going on and since in each and every part of the Gulf the asr jamaat is at earlier times, what should a person do? Should he join the jamaat or should he pray alone for Asr prayer?