
Qasar salaah during hajj

Q: Questions related to qasar salaah during Haj:

1. As per hanafi mazhab, if a person stays for 15 days or more in Makkah before leaving for Mina, Arafat, etc, he should perform full salah in Makkah, Mina, Arafat, Muzdalifa and back in Makkah. Is my understanding correct?

2. Once we leave our city boundaries, we will offer qasar salaah until we reach our destination. After reaching our destination we should calculate the number of days that we stay. Is this correct?

3. Should the 15 day calculation start when we start from home or once we reach our destination?

4. We had a total of 40 days stay. Aug 4th we started from home, reached Makkah on 5th around 00:00. 5th to 18th we were in Makkah. 19th before fajr we were in Mina. 19-23 were Haj days. 24th Aug to 4th Sep back in Makkah. 5th to 14th Sep in Madina. Performing Qasar is correct in all places?

Musaafirs intention changing before 15 days


1. If a person intends to stay for 15 days and perform full salah but leaves on the 14th day to a different city which is 10 miles away from the first city for 3 days and comes back to stay again in the same city for more than 10 days. Should be perform qasar salaah or full salaah in all the cities?

2. If a person intends to stay for 14 days in one city and performs qasar salaah but his stay extends by a day or two and then he leaves to a different city which is 10 miles away from the first city for 3 days and comes back to stay again in the same city for more than 10 days. Should he perform qasar salaah or full salaah in all the cities?

Qasr salaah

Q: I am staying in a different city as I am working there but I want to know whether I will offer qasr salah if I go to below cities for less than 15 days

1. City A where I was born and don't reside now but I have a home which I gave to rent

2. City B, I have flat there but I don't reside and go once in a month

3.City C, my in laws home.

What should my wife offer here Qasr or full?

Also during Haj we stayed in Makkah for 14 days and on 15th day we left to Mina before Fajr. I offered Qasr Salah but when I came back few mufti's told you were muqeem. I told them once you reach destination from that time you should calculate 15 days. But they mentioned we need to calculate from our home and also even if we stay for one hour of a day we should count it as one full day. Is this correct? But I told them how you can assume one hour as one full day. Is my understanding correct?

Musaafir flying over his hometown

Q: If a musaafir, during his safar from Joburg to Umzinto (supposing Umzinto has an airport), flies over his hometown (Watn-e-Asli), Overport. While flying over Overport, will it be regarded as though he entered his hometown and his safar ended? Since the distance between Overport and Umzinto is not safar distance, if the time of Asar Salaah enters, will he read Qasar Salaah?

Performing qasr salaah in Makkah

Q: We travelled from India on 4th Aug 4pm and reached our hotel in Makkah on 5th 00:30. We calculated our stay as 14 days (5 to 18) and we had intention that on 18th night or 19th morning we will leave for Mina. We left for Mina 19th morning 03:00am. We came back to Makkah on 23rd evening and stayed till 4th Sep. We offered qasar all in Makkah and during haj and then after coming from Haj as our stay at Makkah was not 15 days before leaving Mina and even after coming back from Haj it was not 15 days. Is it correct?

Few people calculate Mina, Arafat, Muzdalifa stay as in Makkah only, so as per them it is 30 days in Makkah and we should offer full salah. Is it correct?

Musaafir mistakenly performing four rakaats fardh salaah

Q: I'm little confused regarding salah which we performed during our stay in Makkah and hajj. We followed one book which had mentioned that your stay in Makkah, if less than 15 days then you should perform qasar salah. Also during hajj days if your stay till 7th Zil haj is less than 15 days you need to do qasar in hajj.

1. We started from India on 4th Aug 4pm and reached our hotel on 5th 00:30. As per booking, we calculated our stay as 14 days (5 to 18) and we had intention that on 18th night or 19th morning we will leave for Mina. We left Mina 19th morning 03:00am. We offered qasar all in Makkah and during haj. Is it correct?

2. How are 15 days calculated. Is it 24 hours *15 days?

3. If some musafir prays alone and recites all 4 rakats and after 2 days remembers he is musafir and then corrects his salah to 2 rakats. What is ruling on it?