
Travelling safar distance

Q: If I intend to travel to a place which is more than 50 miles away (Place A), and intend to stay there for 20 days, I understand that I will not be a traveler and will not do qasr. However, after 20 days at Place A, if I travel to Place B which is 50 miles away from Place A, and intend on staying there for 5 days, will I do qasr in Place B?

Visiting one's home country

Q: I was born in Sylhet, Bangladesh and came to the UK at the age of 6. I am currently a permanent resident of UK and only visit my family and friends in Bangladesh after a few years. I still have a family house in Bangladesh but no personal belongings. When I visit Bangladesh, I stay in this house.

I am travelling to Sylhet, Bangladesh for 10 days. Will I be a musafir there or Muqeem? 

Performing qasar salaah when studying safar distance from home

Q: I take Pietermaritzburg as my home (Wathne Asli), however due to me studying and being married, I live in Isipingo Beach and take Isipingo as my Wathne Iqaamat. If I stay in Isipingo for less than 15 days will I be a musaafir in Isipingo? Doesَ my wife have to follow my intention as taking Pietermaritzburg as my Wathne Asli and Isipingo as my Wathne Iqaamat, or can she take Isipingo as her Wathne Asli?

Suburbs being joined to the city

Q: I have travelled the musaafir distance to a major city with many suburbs within it, and I will be residing in this city for two months. However, from time to time, I will move between the suburbs of this city and spend the night in the different suburbs of this city. Up to now, I do not have the intention to stay 15 days in one particular suburb. Am I a musaafir or a muqeem?