Things which render the Salaah Makrooh

Repeating a Salaah in which a waajib was left out

Q: In some kitaabs like taalifat rashidiyyah it is written that it is mustahab to repeat the salaah prayed behind a faasiq (the one who trim or shave less than a fist lenght) and in ahsanul fatawa it is writen that if the salaah of a muqtadi become makrooh due to the salaah of imaam become makrooh. What is understood is that it is mustahab for the muqtadi to repeat the salaah prayed behind a faasiq. Please confirm?

Refraining from unnecessary movements in Salaah

Q: When in prayer what kind of movements are allowed? For example if a person sneezes or if he feels like he might, should he cover his nose beforehand? Also, if a person leaves his saff and therefore creates an empty spot in a row, should another musalli move and cover his spot while he is praying to 'fill the gap' as mentioned in the hadith of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)?