Witr and Nawaafil

Delaying the witr Salaah

Q: My question is about witr Salaah:

1. After performing Esha Sallah at 8.00pm, can I delay my Witr Salaah till 11.00 pm(my sleep time)?

2. Can I combine Tahajjad and witr at the above mentioned time?

3. What will be my last Salaah before I go to sleep, Tahajjad or witr?


Q: Do Muftis pray Istikharah prayer for fatwas that might lead to schism in Islam or cause hatred to other Muslim sects? Because we are ordered to stay united.

Tahajjud Salaah

Q: I want to ask that if I fall asleep at night without offering Isha prayer (unintentionally) and then in the middle of night if I wake up, can I offer isha prayer and soon after that tahajjud prayer? Also, do I read tahajjud prayer before witr or after witr (completing isha prayer and then read tahajjud)?

Tahiyyatul musjid

Q: When praying our fard salat in the musjid, I was told that we can have the intention of tahiyyatul musjid included in the fard salaah or the sunnahs prayed before the fard. Does this apply also to maghrib salat (i.e. can we combine the fard of maghrib with tahiyyatul masjid), or is it different since that is a three rakaat salah? If it doesn't apply for maghrib, are there any other salaahs for which it doesn't apply too?