Qadha Salaah

Performing qadha Salaah from the time one became baaligh

Q: When I was young and ignorant, I used to have bad habits. Two of these included masturbation as well as neglect of salaah. Nevertheless, Alhamdulillah, with the Hidayat of Allah I have mended my ways. My question is, I want to make up for the missed Salaah. Should I start making up from when I was 15, or from when I was 12 when I ejaculated? I am not sure when my ejaculations were clear and when it started becoming milky in appearance.

Various Questions regarding Qadha for Missed Salaah

Q: Please could you explain the method of performing qadhaa salaah missed from the time of puberty, as well as clarify the following:

  1. Besides sunrise, zawaal and sunset, are there any times during which one cannot perform qadhaa salaah?
  2. Should qadhaa be performed before or after adhaa salaah?
  3. Is there a limit to the number of qadhaa salaah that can be performed at a time?
  4. Does qadhaa have to be performed in the sequence it was missed? If I have missed a salaah today, do I make up that salaah first, or do I continue making up my previous missed salaah?
  5. Any other information that you think will assist me in this regard?

Qadha Salaah Fajr and Asr


  1. The prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) prohibited us from reading Salah after asr, so why are we allowed to do qadha namaz after asar and after fajr?
  2.  If one misses witr at night can we do qadha in the morning. If yes why because time has finished for witr at Dawn?