Qadha Salaah

Substituting the Sunnah Muakkadah with Qadhaa Salaah

Q: A person has excessive (many years) of Qadhaa Salaah. Due to weakness, would it be correct for a person to substitute the Sunnah Muakkadah
before/after each Salaah with Qadhaa Salaah? For example, at the time of Fajr, instead of performing two Rak'aats of Sunnah Muakkadah, a person makes intention and performs two Rak'aat of Fajr Qadhaa. Or at the time of Zuhr, instead of performing four Rak'aat of Sunnah Muakkadah, a person performs four Rak'aat of Zuhr Qadhaa. Would this be correct?

Saahib-e-tarteeb remembering at the time of Jumuah that he had missed out his fajr Salaah

Q: A person who is "saahibut tarteeb" was sitting in the jumuah bayaan when he realised that he hadn't performed fajr. He then planned that he will read his qada when everyone is reading their sunnats after the bayaan, before the khutba. However he had a dire need to go to the toilet and only returned when the Imaam was on the mimbar and azaan was called. So he sat for the khutba, read jumuah and performed his fajr qada after the jumuah salaah.

  1. Is what he did correct?
  2. If not, what must he do to rectify his actions?