Fidyah for missed Salaahs

Which country's wheat price should one consider when paying fidyah?

Q: My question is regarding the fidya for salah of my grandfather that passed away (May Allah forgive his sins and bless his soul). Our family (including aunts and uncles in Pakistan, USA and UK) decided to pay the fidya for his 29 years worth of salaahs that he didn't pray but the problem we are having is about the calculation of wheat as which country's wheat price should we consider. He got matured (the time when salah becomes farz) in Pakistan, lived in Africa for 10 years and also passed away there but his body was brought to Pakistan for burial.

1. Which country's wheat price should we consider? Paksitan, USA (my family resides here) or Africa?

2. After considering the wheat price, how can we divide the payment of the fidya in all the family members? If the wheat price of America or UK is considered then the aunts in Pakistan will not be able to pay as it is too much after the conversion amount in rupees.

Non-heir discharging the fidya for the missed Salaahs of the deceased

Q: Previously I asked about a man who passed away but for the majority of his life did not pray Salaah. As per your previous reply, fidya can be given on behalf of the deceased: What do the Ulama state about a person who is not an heir but is related to the deceased, can they give the fidya on his behalf? Furthermore, how does one calculate the fidya per Salaah?