
The correct wordings of Takbeer-e-Tashreeq

Q: Please can you give me all the full version of what one should say when making the Takbiirut-tashreeq. Because, what I heard was, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Laa ilaha illal lahu, Allahu akbar, allahu akbar, wa lillahil hamd. But I heard some adding, sadaqa wa`dah, and adding something by ending wa lawkarihal kaafirun. Please if those are part, kindly give me all what I should recite. Jaza kallahu khairan. I am from Ghana West-Africa.

Takbeerat-e-tashriq for men and women


  1. I read it is Wajib to recite takbeerat e tashriq after every Farz salah which is performed with Jamaat and it is not Wajib for those who pray salah Individullay or for the women who pray with jamaat or insividually is this correct?
  2. I read it is desirable for those men and women who pray salah individually to recite Takbeerat e tashreek softly after every Farz salah is this correct?