Pregnant woman performing the nawaafil and sunnats salaah sitting
Q: Alhamdullah, I am pregnant. So can I offer nafal and sunnah Salah on the chair and perform the fardh Salah by standing.
Q: Alhamdullah, I am pregnant. So can I offer nafal and sunnah Salah on the chair and perform the fardh Salah by standing.
Q: Is it compulsory for a woman to cover her feet during Salaah?
Q: I am pregnant and sometimes find it difficult to come up from sajdah without support. Once while performing salaah next to the bed, I rested my hand on the bed to take support while coming up from sajdah. Was my salaah valid?
Q: In a Masjid where there is one hall but men and women pray side to side but women are in a space next to the men separated by a wall and a divider and there is a gap of a more than a space a person can stand in between the men and women. If in this set up, some women on their side end up being ahead of men on the men’s side, would the prayer of the men they are ahead of or on the same line on be invalidated, would anyone’s prayer be invalidated?
Q: When a woman is in sadjah, how should her bottom be positioned?
Q: Is it permissible for women to read zuhr salaah on Friday before the khutbah since they are not reading jumuah?
Q: If the ankle of a woman is exposed for the duration of her entire salaah, is the salaah valid?
Q: I intend performing umrah. Is it permissible for women to perform salaah behind the Imaam in the Harams? I have heard that the Imaams do not make intention for women.
Q: Why do the Ulama prevent women from attending the congregational salaah in the musjid or from attending the taraaweeh salaah or the eid salaah, whereas it is recorded in the Ahaadith that in the era of Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) the Sahaabiyyaat (radhiyallahu ‘anhun) would attend the congregational salaah in the musjid?
Q: Is a woman allowed to perform salaah with her niqaab covering her face in the presence of non-mahram men?