Women's Salaah

Time of Salaah for women

Q: I have heard that it is mentioned in the hadith that a lady who reads her salaah at awwal waqt gets the reward of reading salah with jamaat Takbir e oola etc. Is this correct. What about if a lady reads her salaah at the same time as the men in the musjid does she still get this reward? Should one set the salaah times for the ladies in the home in order to get this sawaab?

Women performing Salaah in the haram

Q: I am currently in makkah and in the haram there are ladies reading everywhere amongst the men and also at times there are so many people that I have to read on the second and the third level. Is salah valid even though there seems to be no continuity of the saffs? Also if there would be a row of ladies reading salaah in front of me or next to me or on a level below me behind the Imaam and I am also following the Imam, what is the status of my salaah? Since I was unsure I have been repeating my salaah individually after every salaah.

Performing Salaah in jamaat with a na-mahram man

Q: I wanted to know a couple of things concerning the validation of prayer. If a man and a woman are in a haraam relationship (adultery), can he lead her in prayer alone? If a women is at a female friends house can she pray with her friends husband and son? If a women comes into the mosque and there are no other females and only one male there already praying should she follow behind him in prayer?