
Making wudhu with henna

Q: Nowadays when we apply henna,after washing for a day or two its normal but after few days it starts shedding off. If we try to scratch it then it pains and causes reddishness. In such a condition, if we do wudhu, will it be permissible?

Vaginal discharge

Q: Do girls have to perform wudhu or shower after vaginal discharge? This white colored emission has been happening before puberty. My Umm says she's not sure in this case but it is better to perform wudhu. I do know that we have to do ghusal after periods but the white discharge emits at irregular times regularly--sometimes even when in the middle of the salaah.

Wet dream

Q: If I have a wet dream but on waking up I don't see or feel any wetness at my private area and also on my clothes, because I am doubtful in nature so I insert a cloth at my vagina then little wetness put on that cloth but wetness was not mani and also I thought that this is just the moisture of vagina as woman private area have always wetness?

Stickiness remaining after removing a plaster

Q: Due to a small tiny cut on my left knuckle middle finger I put a plaster on it, I removed the plaster afterwards and washed my hands but realised later after that there was still some residue of the plaster stickiness/glue left so if you rubbed it off it would form like a sticky rubber effect. Because I may have washed impure hands afterwards whilst the stickiness was there and not realising and then wiped them with a towel, I am concerned impurity may have been spread or would be pure as I initially did wash my hands but did not realise the stickiness was still there. I am a waswas sufferer and I am getting better everyday with the help of the almighty therefore I am always very concerned on purity as I always think I am spreading impurity everywhere.