
Discharge coming out due to one's thoughts

Q: I got some dirty sexual thoughts but changed my mind as fast as I could and I kept reminding my self not to think of the thoughts later like 15-20 min or so I went to the washroom and when I was washing I noticed discharge it wasn't a lot but it was a bit more then usual so am I napaak? Also what's the ruling in this type of discharge from those thoughts when is ghusl needed?

Nail polish

Q: I know that anything that stops water from entering your skin is haraam (nail polish, wax, etc). But if I only do white nail tips, or any colour nail polish on the tips of my nails which isn't touching the skin. Is this ok!


Q: What is the ruling regarding the discharge of a woman.

1) When will her wudhu break?

2) Will she have to make qadha of her previous salaahs if she did not make wudhu when she discharged?

Finding a black mark on one's finger after Salaah

Q: I prayed Fajr and was clearing up my room and about 40 minutes later I saw something on the tip of my thumb's nail and some bit inside. So I put it under the tap to test it. The bit inside was gone, but there was still some blackish mark on the tip of my thumb's nail, but not on the skin - I believe. So should I make up that prayer or not? Looks likely to be impermeable, but it's on the tip of the nail anyway. Literally the edge.