
Celebrating the birthday of Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam)


1. According to the hadith, immitation of kuffar is haram. So if I eat a birthday chocolate someone gave me and went away, is it harasm? Because its a non-Muslim practice to celebrate birthdays.

E.g. If I got a chocolate on someone's birthday and I kept it and after 2 days I ate it, is it haraam because that chocolate was purchased for a haraam act which is celebrating a birthday which itself is immitation of kuffar?

2. Ruling regarding celebrating Nabi Muhammad's (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) birthday. Is it imitation of Christians, because they celebrate Christmas like Isa (alaihis salaam) birthday?

3. If a Quran is printed in an industry, like from softcopy to hardcopy, then is it man made or Allah made it? I mean if everything Allah created then what about the above case where hard copy of Quran was made by using a machine. Is it then machine made? Also if a man writes whole Qur'an, just as one photocopies, was the Quran made by a human because a human was the one who took ink and paper and wrote the Quran and compiled it or Allah made it?

Celebrating moulood

Q: What if I do not celebrate the mawlid but my mother and father celebrate the mawlid. Also my father is a sufi but I only follow Allah and his Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam). People from the sufi masjid label me as a wahabi or a salafi. What should I do? They say I don’t love the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) if I do not celebrate his birthday. But the early Muslims did not celebrate his birthday and it’s not in the authentic saying of the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam).

Visiting a dargah

Q: Today I seen a new dargah which is made in my city named Gadhinglaj. One of the maulavi has burried some old Qu'ran Sharif inside the ground and made a Dargah there and celebrating URS Sharif. Is it valid to make such durgah? And is it valid to visit such Dargah?