
Giving zakaat to one's son in law after one's zakaat date

Q: Can I give zakaat money to my son in law who wants to study... I give my zakaat every year in Ramadhaan and he will only start studying around June... Is it ok for me to keep the amount aside up until June? Is it ok that I do not disclose to him that it is Zakaat money? He does work and earns a low salary which goes into necessities and he does not have the nisaab amount.

Calculating zakaat

Q: I have never had nisab for a full year. I normally get a bonus at the end of each year and then usually my income goes under the nisab during the year.

I do not have any other savings, investments, gold, silver, etc, but I do have nice furniture and expensive appliances. I also have a shariah loan outstanding for my car which I am still paying off.

Please advise if Zakaah is compulsory on me.