
Zakaat on gold

Q: There are different concepts regarding taking out zakat on your gold. Some people say that you have to take it out on the price you will purchase that amount of gold (new gold price), some say that you need to deduct 12 mashaay, some say that on the amount you will sell your gold you have to take zakat on that amount of money. I cannot take my gold every year to the goldsmith to measure and then to take out the zakat due to the reasons of security. Can you please guide me the correct method in the light of Quran and Sunnah. For example if I have 12.947 tola of gold, and the rate of gold is as follows:

24K 10 Grams = Rs 42128

24K Per Tola = Rs 49150

22K 10 Grams = Rs 38617

What would be the amount to be taken out as zakat on the above mentioned gold rates?

Can an organisation stipulate to the recipient how the zakaat money should be used?

Q: I would like to know if an organization that is responsible for collecting zakaah and also giving zakaah

1. Can give zakaah to a zakaatable person for building a house

2. Does that zakaah that has been given by the organization specifically to that person only for building of his house can be used for other purposes other than building of the house?

Accepting zakaat money to pay off one's debts

Q: I used to have a good business that closed down leaving me with R500 000 in debt. I have R200 000 in an investment that gives me R18 000 a year which I use to pay my childrens school fees. I have opened a small business again were I buy everything in cash, this business can only pay for my monthly living expenses. Can I receive zakaat to pay off my debts and what amount?

Giving zakaat to one's brother

Q: My younger brother is jobless and have no source of income at all. He got married and now expecting baby this month (Insha Allah). Since he is going to have addition in his family and it will be hard for him to bear expanses for himself, wife and newborn. Can I give him Zakaat money so he can manage his living expenses?

Giving zakaat to a needy person

Q: We know one Muslim family originally from Jordan but living in USA who is going through tough financial situation because father of three small kids had a brain surgery last year due to which he almost lost his memory and lost his job. Doctor has advised him not to go back to his native country (Jordan) for another year due to post brain surgery. It's been almost one year since he is jobless and having such a hard time to pay monthly rent and bear living expanses. The father of three small kids had told us that he own a property (house) in his native country but he has no means of income in USA now a days to bear his expenses. Can we help him with Zakat money as its really hard for him to pay monthly rent and bear living expanses in USA?