
Assisting one's sister with zakaat

Q: My sister has separated from her husband. She and her three kids are living with my brother and his family (i.e. wife and two little daughters) in one bedroom appartment in London. Her husband has not yet given her divorce but also does not pay for anything for the kids either. She herself is not working at the moment. Can I pay my zakaat to her or it will only be considered as sadaqah?

Obligation of zakaat and qurbaani if one has a share in a property

Q: My father passed away in 2021 and, we, the heirs (mother, and 3 brothers, all adults) inherited property and cash as per shariah.

1.The cash was given by us to our mother. We made her the owner of that cash.

2. The property inherited (2 x 5 marla plots) are combined property of our mother and 3 brothers, the net worth of shares is above the nisaab.

Our mother pays yearly zakat as well as Qurbaani.

The question, Is it compulsory for us 3 brothers to pay zakat and qurbaani, provided that our indiviual monthly incomes/savings are less than the amount of nisaab (cannot even buy or share an animal for sacrifice and neither of us can move/sell, the shares of property, or use for any business means). Will zakat and Qurbani be applicable on this sort of shared property?

Accepting zakaat to pay off one's debs

Q: At the moment I am in alot of debt. My buinesses closed during covid and I have tried to restart them but at the moment I am in alot of debt, on the businesses as well as on my house which is bonded. If I do sell my house, it won't add up to the amount of the debt but if I can pay off my debt then insha Allah I can be able to pay zakaat going forwards. I don't have an income for now. Is it possible to receive zakaat to pay off my debts?

Zakaat on gold less than nisaab


1. I wanted to ask if the only excess wealth a person has is a Kruger coin, is one liable for zakaat as it is less than 87 grams?

2. If a person has the cash that is more than the nisaab and also has gold in the form of 1 Kruger coin only, is zakaat liable on both the cash and the Kruger coin or only the cash?