Paying my child's school fees from a zakaat fund
Q: Is it permissible for my child's school fees to be paid from a zakaat fund?
Q: Is it permissible for my child's school fees to be paid from a zakaat fund?
Q: This is how I discharge my zakaat every year:
A certain lady is in charge of an organization that builds homes for widows, so what I do, for example, 200 000 dollars is my zakaat, so I give it to her and tell her build homes for 4 widows, sometimes I give the money directly to the bank in charge of the project, is this ok?
Q: I want to give charity, what if I don't have money. What should I do in such a situation?
Q: If one is totally in debt. What is the stance with regard to Zakaat?
Q: A landlord has asked for a deposit to rent out his property. Who would be liable for the zakaah on the amount annually?
Q: A friend of ours gave us his zakat money to send it to his other friend was in another country to distribute it there. When we contacted that foreign friend he said he doesn't know anyone so pls don't send me the money. The zakat giver had told us we can give to anyone else deserving. When we found someone suitable we realised we lost the money. We tried very hard to find it. It could be stolen. But we are not sure. What should we do. If we tell him he might get upset. Can we pay his zakat without telling him? Do we have to pay for him?
Q: A certain madrasah utilises lillah and zakaat to run its affairs. The zakaat is used to pay the fees of the students of the madrasah and therefore becomes madrasah money. Also the madrasah is under and organisation/board that oversees the running of the madrasah. This organisation/board pays the fees of the ustaads of said madrasah. Besides the activities that are directly involved with running the madrasah, eg: feeding the students, transporting the students to and from the madrasah, lights, water, etc, will it be permissible to use the funds in other avenues which are not directly involved with the taleem and running of the madrasah? Can the madrasah funds be used to buy plane tickets for the ustaads to attend jors in cape town?can the funds be used to book in to hotel rooms if the ustaads are going to teach in a town that is 2 hours away from the madrasah? s it permissible to use the funds in other similar activities as mentioned above? Please explain in detail which avenues will it be permissible to use the funds and what will be the procedure to follow before these funds can be used?
Q: Is it okay if a Muslim gives zakat or performs Hajj from Haram money? Is he obliged to do or not?
Q: The Islamic Medical Association runs clinics in poor areas around Durban, where the Govt has no services for these people. Funds are running out as more and more medicines are needed to help people. So far no other money except those given as lillah by the muslim community has been used. Can a Muslim organization, in this case the Islamic Medical Association accept funds or donations from Multinational Pharmaceutical Companies to do its work in servicing the medical needs of the indigent population?
Q: Can a Muslim Organization that is involved with disasters, eg., floods, fires, earthquakes, etc. use funds from haraam sources to do its work? For instance, can they use funds donated to them from a Pop concert, or a financial institution dealing in interest related transactions like Investec? What if the donations are not separated from the “halaal” moneys given to them by muslims and all donations are pooled together? In most cases, the organization does not know where the funds are coming from. The funds are deposited directly into their bank account, unless an organization like Investec tells them that funds are being transferred into their account.